Help, my dog pulls on the leash!


In this series we have written time and time again that equipment cannot replace training and you should not use anything that causes them discomfort and pain to make dogs stop pulling (or barking, or jumping…). At the same time, many dogs are very strong and they pose danger:

    • to their owners (sprained wrists, leash burns, injuries from falls…),
    • to themselves (running blindly under cars), and
    • to other dogs (especially if they get loose).

In this post you will learn how to manage the situation while you train them to stop pulling (preferably with a competent professional).

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What is aversive equipment?


I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

This post contains no euphemisms. We think that aversive training tools should not be used1. Don’t feel attacked or threatened if you realize that you own something that is aversive. You’re trying to provide the best life possible for your dog, you’re willing to learn and improve and this is all that matters. At the end of the day, all we can do is try to do better next day.

What is aversive equipment?

A stimulus is aversive when it is something that the dog will work to avoid. We define equipment as aversive when it causes discomfort or pain to the dog by design 2, in order to make them behave the way we want.

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How to choose the perfect muzzle for your dog


Muzzles are disliked by many dog owners, because we automatically associate a dog wearing a muzzle with aggression. But actually there’s a wide range of situations in which muzzles are required by the law (for example on public transport). With appropriate training, your dog should have no problem wearing a well-fitted muzzle.

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How to choose the perfect leash for you and your dog


Leash might be a piece of equipment you’ve never given much thought to, but believe me, they were not all created equal. This post will help you choose the most appropriate leash for you and your dog based on your activities and needs.

The main leash types you’ll encounter are:

    • short leashes (below 1.5 meters)
    • normal leashes (1.5-3 meters)
    • retractable leashes (usually 5 meters)
    • long leashes (5m and longer)

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How to choose the perfect harness for your dog


The harness vs. collar debate sometimes sounds like a religious war but there are pros and cons to both. If you’re considering buying a harness, this post will help make an informed decision.

We will talk about harness types for everyday use:

    • H-, Y- and X- type harness
    • Norwegian type harness
    • Step-in harness
    • Safety harness

Continue reading “How to choose the perfect harness for your dog”