Giving food doesn’t have to always look the same. Actually, changing the way you deliver it can make the food more valuable to your dog. It’s a very useful trick if your dog can only eat a few types of food or if they have just done something amazing and you only have kibble on you.
straight from your hand
This is the simplest way of delivering treats, but simple doesn’t mean bad. Giving treats in the same place (for example in front of you or by your leg) and with the same speed creates a predictable pattern and it can help keep the arousal level down. Well-planned reward delivery can make training faster and more precise.
thrown into the air, so that your dog has to catch it
This game requires some training both for you and for your dog. If your aim isn’t that great, your dog will have their work cut out for them! This delivery method requires focus and skill from your dog but it can also get them quite excited.
Don’t play it if your dog has orthopaedic issues!
scatter feeding
Sniffing and chewing calms dogs down and it fulfils their natural need to scavenge. You need no training and you can adjust the difficulty level as much as you need:
- vary the size of the treats (the smaller they are, the harder it is to find them)
- work with contrast (cheese on pavement vs. kibble on the ground)
- play with smelliness
- try different locations (balancing on a stone, searching through tall grass, searching above nose level on low hanging tree branches)
Sky is the limit here! Just remember that is supposed to be fun, not frustrating.
swimming in the water
This is a great activity for the summer. Even dogs who are suspicious towards water might be tempted to go in. It is also quite challenging! However, be cautious:
- Don’t put the treats too far in the water, don’t push your dog beyond their comfort level!
- Some dogs drink a lot when they do this, pay attention that they don’t drink too much (as usual less is more!).
bury them in the sand
Some dogs love to dig. Providing a safe outlet for this hobby can save your garden and it is fun for your dog. The better their nose, the deeper you can bury the treats.
roll it on the pavement
Most dogs get a kick out of chasing things – this is another situation where providing a safe outlet for their needs can strengthen your bond and save you from trouble. Consider this technique especially if your dog likes to hunt.
- Dry, roundish treats are the best here.
- Make sure your dog is paying attention to your hand when you roll the treat (otherwise they might miss it).
- Be careful! Only do this with healthy dogs.
- Rolling the treat can increase its value for the dog. It’s useful when you know your treats are not as good as the distraction your facing.
This game can also feel quite satisfying to dogs who like to hunt. Move the treat slowly, make sure your dog is following it with their eyes. You can add a step or two and have the dog “stalk” the treat. After 2-3 moves (or more if your dog is a pro) throw the treat away, let them catch the prey 🙂
treat tree
Trees and fallen trees are perfect places for a treat search. If you place them on low hanging branches the dog has to sniff above nose level and get up on hind legs to get the treats. Or you can spread them out over a fallen tree trunk and the dog has to balance on it to find them. This game can help improve your dog’s balance, coordination and body awareness.
- As usual make sure your dog is not in pain!
leaf search
There is nothing better (or more challenging) than throwing a handful or treats into a pile of dry leaves. This is quite hard so if your dog is a novice use larger pieces of food and help them if they need it!
shredding master
Dogs also love to shred. Make small toilet paper roll packages or simply crumple up paper with a handful of treats. Your dog can have fun tearing it to pieces to get to the food and you just put your garbage to a good use this way! This is also a good way to occupy little piranhas (I mean puppies), just make sure they don’t swallow the paper.
Original post by Donau Dogs.